In this article, we explore how to test Internet Explorer for Mac! So, what happened after that? And why are we focusing on the Mac system and not Windows here? Is it so that if you have a Mac, you are probably more distant with IE than a Windows user? All these questions will be answered in the subsequent sections, focusing on revealing testing methods that can help in performing browser compatibility testing of websites for Internet Explorer on Mac. It reached a market share of 95% in 2003 which is the greatest since then. For eight years (1995-2003), Internet Explorer literally ruled the Internet world. With the release of a new browser, the older one doesn’t fall into disuse. Microsoft Edge is a new browser that appears to be doing well with users from the numbers.

In response, Microsoft created a newer browser that is faster (actually much faster), conforms to standards, and runs on the Chromium engine. Nevertheless, I can say with my observation that Internet Explorer use declined rapidly among those using new computers. Even if you were born in the 00s, you probably didn’t use Internet Explorer until recently, except under particular circumstances, such as working on old computers in IT organizations, banks, etc. If you were born in the 90s, you may be wondering where that browser is that you used for the first time to create HTML pages or browse the Internet.