Annies gluten free vegan
Annies gluten free vegan

annies gluten free vegan

  • Daiya’s cheese sauce is already prepared and gets stirred into the cooked noodles (similar to Velveeta mac and cheese, but vegan without animal products!).
  • annies gluten free vegan

  • The price point – Daiya is considerable more than Annie’s – at least double if not triple in price in some places.
  • Annie’s is not Gluten-Free and uses traditional enriched wheat noodles.
  • Daiya Mac and Cheese is Gluten-Free and uses brown rice noodles.
  • Annie’s Vegan Mac and Cheese is Certified Organic (Daiya does not use organic ingredients).
  • The nutrition profile – both brands use 1 cup as a serving size and have comparable carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Neither variety is made with artificial coloring, flavorings, or preservatives.
  • Daiya Mac and Cheese and Annie’s Mac and Cheese use non-GMO ingredients.
  • They both taste delicious – but different (keep reading to see what I mean).
  • Each of the two vegan mac and cheese varieties are super easy to make.
  • This is great for all of you vegan mac and cheese lovers out there like me because that means you can pick up Daiya Mac and Cheese or Annie’s Vegan Mac just about anytime the craving suits you or because they are both shelf stable, you can stock up!
  • Both vegan mac and cheese options are available on a commercial scale.
  • Keep reading or check out Daiya Vegan Mac and Cheese and Annie’s Vegan Mac and Cheese on your own! The Similarities

    annies gluten free vegan

    Daiya Mac and Cheese and Annie’s Mac and Cheese – have you ever wondered which vegan mac and cheese is better? I know I certainly have! Today, I wanted to dive into the differences and the similarities between both of these plant-based products.

    Annies gluten free vegan